Get a consistent flow of reliable leads in just 10 days…. without AI bots or sleezy spam texts.


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Get a consistent flow of reliable leads in just 10 days…. without AI bots or sleezy spam texts.

YOU are sitting on a goldmine, my friend, and you simply don’t see it. 

If you are worried where your next client is coming from because your warm referrals have gone cold, or…

If you have done everything “by the book” with your marketing according to the latest course you took, but no one is buying your services…

You might be questioning your choice of launching this business in the first place.

Take a deep breath...

I get it. I was once there myself–doing all the “things” but having nothing to show for it.

You’re not alone. You’ve simply been making things way more complex than they need to be. What you don’t realize is that you have a goldmine of opportunity right in your (digital) back yard. 

In fact, by sticking to a few simple daily habits, you could be enjoying more revenue, a more relaxed frame of mind, and actually making the impact with clients that you imagined when you started.


Reliable Revenue Habits

A 10-day micro coaching experience that takes only minutes a day and delivers exponential results in the volume of qualified leads you attract.

Here's what you'll get...

Find and connect with your future clients online and off

Create compelling content that converts

Grow your influence with high-demand offers

Leverage LinkedIn to showcase your expertise

Engage connections in curious conversations

Take your show on the road - How to convert others' audiences

Master the art of high-converting events.

Start with a powerful morning reset

Master your inner game to overcome fear and resistance

Monetize your time with your CEO Schedule

Are you ready?

Reliable Revenue Habits is a BRAND NEW MICRO COACHING PROGRAM designed to help you at least double your current lead results.

Whether you are a coach or consultant; whether you are already earning $200K or barely making enough to survive, you will be able to confidently “turn on” new opportunity whenever you choose by practicing these daily habits.

In this 10-day challenge, we'll cover everything you need to know to develop consistent habits that deliver reliable leads. 

You'll learn how to connect with your ideal buyers daily, ensuring that you never run out of potential clients. We'll teach you what to say and offer new prospects that delivers value to their mission, and establishes you as a trusted and valued thought leader.

I’ll also teach you how to tap into your CEO mindset and manage your time effectively for consistent results through small, easy to implement, repeatable actions. No more stressing about how to find new clients - with "Reliable Revenue Habits", you'll have the tools you need to double your revenue in the next 90 days through consistent practice.

And let's not forget about overcoming those pesky forms of self-sabotage like resistance, procrastination, and perfectionism. We'll show you how to identify and overcome these barriers to success, ensuring that you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Get all 10 days for ONLY $197!

Create the potential for 20x ROI in less than 30 days!
Up to 1000x ROI in 18 months.

The lifetime value of these habits are priceless!

Here are the key benefits of joining
"Reliable Revenue Habits" :

  • Connect with ideal buyers every day with a powerful invitation
  • Craft compelling content and stand out as a leader in your category
  • Overcome self-sabotage, resistance, and procrastination and stay on track towards your goals
  • Learn my easy, authentic approach to have powerful conversations that close
  • Double your revenue potential in the next 90 days

You will get DAILY COACHING with:

  • Private podcast with daily habits and actionable steps
  • Daily email with step-by-step directions and tools to track your progress
  • Templates, scripts, swipe files, and conversation frameworks to helpclose more sales.
  • Private LinkedIn community for daily accountability and support
  • Opportunity to share wins and connect with other like-minded coaches and consultants

I have never offered a coaching program at such an affordable price. And I'm not holding back! You will receive some of the same content and training that my 6-Figure Accelerator Clients invest $24,000 to join for less than $200!

You can continue doing what you’re doing, or you double your revenue potential in just 10 days.
Which will you choose?

Get all 10 days for ONLY $197!

Create the potential for 10x ROI in less than 90 days!
Up to 1000x ROI in 18 months.

The lifetime value of these habits are priceless!

We are so convinced that these daily habits will work for you, that we will completely refund your money in 30 days if you are dissatisfied for any reason.

About Your Coach

Meet Deb Boulanger

Business Growth Strategist & Founder of The Launch Lab

As a business growth expert, I help 6-figure coaches & consultants grow and scale their businesses to make meeting their revenue and lifestyle goals inevitable. I’ve created a predictable business development process based on my decades of sales, marketing, and product development experience and in this 10-day challenge, I’m bringing them to you!

Over the last 20 years, I’ve launched dozens of services that have generated hundreds of millions in revenue for my clients and launched and grew a single division from 0 to $32 million in 30 months.

I apply the same principles multi-billion dollar corporations use to research and refine their processes to help coaches and consultants monetize their hard-won expertise. I’m on a mission to close the revenue gap for women entrepreneurs.

I can't wait to help you make your vision a reality.

Meet Deb Boulanger

Business Growth Strategist &
Founder of The Launch Lab

As a business growth expert, I help 6-figure coaches & consultants grow and scale their businesses to make meeting their revenue and lifestyle goals inevitable. I’ve created a predictable business development process based on my decades of sales, marketing, and product development experience, and in this 10-day challenge I’m bringing them to you!

Over the last 20 years, I’ve launched dozens of services that have generated hundreds of millions in revenue for my clients and launched and grew a single division from 0 to $32 million in 30 months.

I apply the same principles multi-billion dollar corporations use to research and refine their processes to help coaches and consultants monetize their hard-won expertise. I’m on a mission to close the revenue gap for women entrepreneurs.

I can't wait to help you make your vision a reality.